Jumaat, 27 Mac 2009

mY fiRst dAy aT tHe colLegE!!!!

hai... how are you...hope you all fine...erm now i want to write about my first day at the college community kulim...this is new experience to me...i register as a student at college community 24 july 2009...that time i very ecxited because i can build new life culture people...i have a new acquainted Hana, Hani, Nyah, Cik and Yana...They all very sporting, great help, friendly and so on...I LOVE U ALL at college community and oder people visit in my blog...tQ because able know all of you.....

mY fAvOuRiTe fRuiT................. :-P

ellloooo...i come again.... :-) now i want to talk about my favourite fruit...i like to eat fruit...every fruit i favourite fruit is ared apple...i like apple because it's have vitamen red very delecious and very sweet..i can make apple juice.....:)...Apple can make people lost fat in the i want to diet...i want to eat apple every morning....HeHeHeHe.....k daaaa................

Khamis, 26 Mac 2009

tHe bEsT bIrtHdaY gIfT i gEt.......

hElllooo....i'm here i want to talk about my important day in my birthday is 18.10.1990....this date i was born in word..huhuhu...erm every year i get something gift special for me laaaa....hehehe..i get from my friend, my family and mr. right...hehehe :-)...By the way i don't axpect want to present...I just want everyone remember my birthday, wish my birthday and i want someone sing for me...Owh yeah before i forget i want to tell you all i get one gift special for me last year. I get handphone from my father...i love her very much... My mother give me one kiss and wish for me..that enough for me...I LOVE YOU MUM!!!!!muah3x....k daaaa...see you again...


opsssssssssss......tHis pic i takE in my hOmE at vilLaGe....cUte tak???

mY fAvOuRiTe cArToOn

hAi...i'm here...tHis pIctuRe my favOuRiTe cArTooN at diSnEy...hehehe...
tHe nAmE is micKey mOusE...i liKe mickEy mOusE becAuse mIckEy moUse verY cuTe aNd fUny....

mickey mouse - Google Image Search

mickey mouse - Google Image Search

Ahad, 15 Mac 2009

eGg sAnDwicHeS

hElllO...tOdAy i wAnt tO tAlK aBoUt mAkE sOme eGg sAndwiChEs...
FiRsTly pRepAre tHe iNgRediEntS mAkiNg eGg sanDwIcH. tHe iNgrEdIenTs bReaD, cUcUmBer, tOmatO, sAlt, eGg anD bLaCk pEppeR.
sEconDly wE mUsT heAt tHe wAtEr anD bOil tHe egg uNtiL iTs cOokEd, pEel egg anD pUt tHe eggs inTo a bOwL.
tHirdLy pUt a biT of sAlT anD a littLe blAck pepper iNto tHe fiLLed bOwL.
And aFteR tHaT mAsh egg anD miX uP to inTegRateD.
FoUrtlY sLice tHe cuCumBer anD tOmaTo. NexT sPreed liTtlE buTter anD oTher bReat and pUt tHe egg aNd arraNge tHe cuCuMbeR aNd toMaTO tHat was sliCed jUst oN bRead.
AfTer tHen tHe sLice bRead egg aNd sliCes oF bRead beCoMe tHree asPect. FinAlly oF aLL cOmPlEted bRead mAy sErvEd tO be eaTen.

Isnin, 16 Februari 2009

mY fAvOuRite LeCtUrE

helllooo...Today i want to talk about my favourite lecturer in Kulim Comunity favourite lecturer is Cik Zahidah Hanim...She is very sporting...I like her because she is intelligent, bright, clever and smart. She is stocky. For me she is someone lovely and charming. She is very cute, nice and friendly. She is a medium height woman. She has round space. She has close-set eyes. She has well-defined lips. I love her smile because she look so sweet when she smiley. She have healthy tooth and she have smooth skin. She have sweet dimples. She has a chinese look alike. She has lightly tanned skin. She telling the truth to other because she honest, trustworthy, reliable and sincere. Thats all that i want to tell about my favourite lecture. Till then, good bye!!!!

Isnin, 2 Februari 2009

About me....!

Hello...My name is Norshima Bt Mothar.I'm 19 years old malay girl from Taiping. I'm currently studying at a community college in Kulim Kedah. I'm taking a certificate course in Bussines Accounting. Now i am in the second semester. I like to play badminton. Besides that i also like to jogging at Tasik Kulim. Other than that, i also like outdoor activities. I like shopping. I enjoy listening to balada songs during my free time. I also love to watch the sitcoms on TV.This is about me....